
Liam Dunn


With you.

From conception to birth, and throughout your journey to optimal wellbeing, Dr Liam Dunn is dedicated to providing you with respectful, specialist obstetric and gynaecological care.


Dr Liam Dunn is a specialist obstetrician and gynaecological surgeon. He is dedicated to providing women and their families from the Darling Downs and regional Queensland with respectful, evidence-based care.

Dr Dunn was born at St Vincent’s Hospital, Toowoomba and schooled locally before undertaking 15 years of medical training.

During this time, he spent eight years at Mater Mothers’ Hospital, one of Australia’s largest perinatal hospitals caring for women with high-risk pregnancies and complex birthing needs.

Through his research, Dr Dunn investigated novel strategies to minimise birth complications, earning numerous academic awards, national and international conference presentations and the conferral of a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from University of Queensland.

Dr Dunn finessed his skills in advanced and minimally-invasive surgery, peri-operative care and gynaecological cancer-care during a 12 month Fellowship in Pelvic Surgery with the Gynaecological Oncology Unit, Royal Hobart Hospital.

Now having returned to Toowoomba permanently, Dr Dunn, his wife and three children are again enjoying the Darling Downs lifestyle and community.

Dr Dunn offers private obstetric & gynaecological care at Toowoomba's Private Hospitals and has a further special interest in minimally invasive gynaecological surgery.

He holds an appointment as a consultant obstetrician & gynaecologist at Toowoomba Base Hospital, allowing Dr Dunn to maintain strong ties to junior doctor surgical training and research mentorship.

I hope that when a patient leaves a consultation with me, she leaves with a deeper understanding of her health - and that she feels confident having entrusted her care with me.

- Dr Liam Dunn

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This specialist medical qualification is awarded by RANZCOG after the completion of its dedicated specialist obstetrics and gynaecology training program.

Pelvic Surgery Fellowship

Royal Hobart Hospital

A 12 month attachment to the Gynaecological Oncology Unit, Royal Hobart Hospital provided an intensive program in peri-operative care, complex pelvic surgery, gynaecological cancer management and minimally invasive surgery techniques.

Staff specialist

Toowoomba Base Hospital

Dr Dunn holds a part time position as a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at the Toowoomba Base Hospital. This is an opportunity to provide a public health service to the community as well as supporting doctors in training with supervised clinical and research mentoring.


University of Queensland

Dr Dunn undertook a world-first, double blind, randomised control trial to test the effect of a re-purposed therapy on reducing birth complications. The research findings were published in leading academic journals, presented at international meetings and earned the conferral of this research higher degree.

bachelor of surgery/Bachelor of medicine (MBBS)

University of Queensland

This Medical Qualification is awarded after four years clinical training which Dr Dunn undertook at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Toowoomba Base Hospital and Ochsner Clinical School (New Orleans, Louisiana).


University of Queensland

Dr Dunn majored in biomedical sciences encompassing biology, physiology, anatomy and pharmacology and the study of their interactions within the human body and disease.




Each mother brings a unique personal and medical story to pregnancy.

To minimise risk and to optimise you and your baby's wellbeing, Dr Dunn will tailor your obstetric care to address your specific needs, which may include:

  • Elective Caesarean section
  • Medical conditions (including endocrine and autoimmune)
  • Pregnancy related conditions (including gestational diabetes and preeclampsia)
  • Higher risk pregnancy (including IVF pregnancies, preterm birth risk, fetal growth restriction risk, pregnancy after loss)
  • VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean)
  • Twin/Multiple pregnancy
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Dr dunn's

Baby Counter




Pre Pregnancy

Dr Dunn recommends pre-pregnancy counselling to address pre-existing factors that might impact on conception and pregnancy. It is a valuable opportunity to ensure recommended and relevant investigations are arranged, to learn about subsequent pregnancy care and to ensure optimal overall women's health and wellbeing prior to conception - with the goal to minimise risks to mother and baby in pregnancy.

Your fertility health will be assessed and any appropriate fertility treatments will be explored.

This is also a good time to review your health insurance and to check you have the right cover. Most health insurance providers require you to have 12-months of cover before you are eligible to receive health insurance rebates.

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With this exciting news, your GP can refer you to Dr Dunn for private obstetric care. You are invited to call the rooms to ask any questions you have about pregnancy care with Dr Dunn - who will ensure you are guided step by step as your pregnancy advances.

Your first appointment is typically at 8-10 weeks for a complete personal and medical assessment. Dr. Dunn will arrange your routine pregnancy investigations (including NIPT at ~10 weeks, fetal anatomy scan at ~12 weeks, combined screening tests, routine blood tests, a fetal morphology scan ~20 weeks and a diabetes test at ~24 weeks) and other specific tests depending on your healthcare needs.

Typically, you will have monthly appointments until 28 weeks, fortnightly from 28-36 weeks and then weekly from 36 weeks until delivery. During your appointments, your birthing needs and expectations will be discussed; and Dr Dunn will monitor mother and baby wellbeing. Dr Dunn will perform an ultrasound scan to assess your baby at most appointments. Telehealth appointments are available and you will have the private practice midwife care for you during some of your appointments.

All attempts are made to minimise disruptions to your scheduled appointments, however from time to time, urgent care might be needed by another patient during consulting times. You are invited to either re-schedule your appointment or wait until Dr Dunn returns to the consulting rooms.

All births are at St Vincent's Private Hospital Toowoomba. Dr Dunn prioritises his attendance at his patients' deliveries. Dr Dunn's planned leave and weekend cover arrangements incorporate a group of experienced local private obstetricians, ensuring you are cared for around the clock.

Private Patients should call the consulting rooms on (07) 4639 5699 if they have any concerns regarding their pregnancy. For urgent advice and care, including after-hours, Private Patients should call the St Vincent's Private Hospital Toowoomba Birth Suite on (07) 4690 4125.

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Post Pregnancy

Birth is followed by a period of profound physiological change and optimal care through this stage can aide newborn and family bonding. Dr Dunn will ensure you are cared for and supported through this period. A collective of practitioners with expertise in postpartum care will support your newborn feeding and attachment; your bladder function, pelvic floor strengthening and sexual function; and your mental wellness.

Dr Dunn will ensure your medical care is addressed, including your contraception needs, cervical screening tests, follow up of pregnancy-related conditions, and other well-woman health matters.

Circumcision is offered up to eight weeks of age.



Dr Dunn accepts referrals for minimally invasive robotic surgery to ​manage most gynaecological pathologies including hysterectomy for ​persistent and problematic uterine bleeding, removal of uterine​ fibroids, excision of endometriosis, and to manage pathologies of the ​ovaries and tubes (such as ovarian cysts). Minimally invasive surgery ​has smaller surgical scars, quicker recovery time and less pain ​compared to open surgery.

Hysteroscopy is a procedure where a thin surgical instrument ​containing a video camera is placed through the cervix and into the ​endometrial space within the uterus. It allows realtime visualisation of ​the endometrial space which can assist in making a diagnosis or ​performing a treatment (like endometrial ablation).

Laparoscopy is a procedure where the interal organs are visualised ​through a narrow surgical instrument containing a video camera that ​is inserted into the abdomen through a 5-10mm incision. Other ​instruments are also inserted into the abdomen through 5-10mm ​abdominal incisions to assist in completing an operation (like​ hysterectomy).

Dr Dunn is available for PRIVATE CARE of gynaecological emergencies including ovarian torsion and ectopic pregnancY


Endometriosis is the aberrant growth of hormone-sensitive, inflammatory cells (similar to those in the endometrial lining of the uterus) deposited on pelvic organs and surrounding structures. At least one in nine women are diagnosed with this complex condition - its impact on quality of life and on fertility can be profound. Dr Dunn will undertake a thorough history and assessment, including medical imaging to understand the likelihood of endometriosis. Diagnosis and treatment can be achieved by laparoscopy (key-hole surgery). Treatment is multi-modal and includes lifestyle changes, psychosocial support, hormonal and non-hormonal therapy, and minimally invasive laparoscopic excision of endometriosis. Adenomyosis is the deposit of hormone-sensitive, glandular cells within the muscular layer of the uterus causing pain, abnormal uterine bleeding and pelvic pressure symptoms due to the enlargement of the uterus. Adenomyosis and endometriosis may have some cellular and inflammatory relationship, often occurring concurrently. Treatment may include medication or surgery (including hysterectomy) and is dependent on various factors including whether fertility preservation is desired.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) results from the interaction of a complex hormonal imbalance leading to menstrual and ovulatory dysfunction, subfertilty, cardiovascular and metabolic risks, and cumulative psychological load and stress. PCOS symptoms can resolve with lifestyle modifications, medical treatments and sometimes minimally invasive surgery however it is important to ensure lifelong monitoring of the ongoing health risks associated with PCOS. Dr Dunn can assist with treatments for PCOS subfertility.

Excessive menstrual bleeding that interferes with usual daily activities and quality of life is considered abnormal. Dr Dunn will ascertain a cause for the bleeding with investigations including blood tests, ultrasound scans, a cervical smear and a sample of the endometrium (often using minimally invasive hysterosopy to assess the inside lining of the uterus). Treatment involves lifestyle changes, hormonal and non-hormonal therapies, and surgery (including endometrial ablation and hysterectomy). Bleeding after menopause is abnormal and should be investigated as a priority.

Ovaries are highly functional organs that store, mature and release the female reproductive egg. The nature of ovaries leaves them susceptible to an overgrowth of cells creating a fluid filled sac, the contents of which is influenced by the type of cells from which the sac arose. Because the ovaries are so functional, most sacs (cysts), are resorbed and won't require treatment. Some cysts however won't resorb and will usually need minimally invasive laparoscopy to remove them. The risk of malignancy from an ovarian cyst is overall low, but each cyst is evaluated for this before surgery.

Fibroids are hormone sensitive growths in the wall of the uterus. Rarely, these can be cancerous. Benign fibroids that cause heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain and pressure and sometimes infertility, are typically treated by minimally invasive approaches including hysteroscopic or laparoscopic myomectomy. These procedures might be an alternative to a hysterectomy thereby preserving the uterus and allowing carriage of a pregnancy if desired.

Dr Dunn offers permanent contraception by minimally invasive laparoscopic tubal ligation or salpingectomy (removal of both fallopian tubes) usually requiring less than one day in hospital. Reversible options include sub-dermal hormone devices, or intra-uterine hormonal or non-hormonal systems.

Prolapse occurs when the supports of the vagina and pelvic organs fail, allowing the vaginal walls to sag, thereby creating vaginal bulge and pressure. Prolapse can be managed with lifestyle modifications, a support pessary inserted vaginally or surgery to strengthen and reinforce the pelvic support structures. Bladder dysfunction often accompanies pelvic organ prolapse. Dr Dunn can also arrange urodynamics to investigate bladder leakage and urgency, to better establish the role for surgery in treating bladder dysfunction.

Abnormal cells (pre-cancer) can affect the anogenital tract (from the anus to the cervix). These abnormalities are commonly due to Human Papilllomavirus. Sometimes autoimmune reactions lead to destructive skin changes (like lichen sclerosus). A highly magnified lense (colposcope) and a speculum examination is needed to visually assess the abnormality and a biopsy is commonly required. Treatment aims to prevent progression to cancer and to maintain normal genital tract function, and may include surgical excision of the affected area (including LLETZ and cervical cone biopsy),


Women should consider a referral to a specialist like Dr Dunn for fertility assessment, if they have not conceived, and:

  • are younger than 35 years of age, and have had 12 months of regular, unprotected intercourse.
  • are over 35 years of age, and have had six months of regular, unprotected intercourse
  • are over 40 years of age, and have had three months of regular, unprotected intercourse
  • have other risk factors for male or female infertility (including endometriosis, irregular menstrual cycles, PCOS, testicular damage)

At least one in six Australians trying to conceive will seek help for fertility. The causes for subfertility can be both male and female physiological factors and include conditions like cystic fibrosis, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and ovulatory dysfunction.

Dr Dunn will arrange a thorough assessment including blood and semen tests, medical imaging and endoscopic (minimally invasive) procedures to ascertain the cause for subfertility.

Treatment options for subfertility with Dr Dunn include:

  • Ovulation tracking and timed intercourse
  • Ovulation induction
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Women's Health Only has partnered with City Fertility to offer patients access to comprehensive reproductive services, including donor eggs and sperm, surrogate pregnancy support (governed by Queensland State legislation) and fertility cryopreservation services (egg, sperm and embryo freezing).

Dr Dunn currently on-refers patients requiring advanced fertility treatments.


Dr Dunn accepts referrals for most obstetric, gynaecological and fertility issues.

Please direct referrals to Dr Liam Dunn at Women's Health Only through your preferred General Practitioner.


  • Ovulation tracking and timed intercourse
  • Ovulation induction
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Dr Dunn currently on-refers patients with more advanced fertility treatment requirements.


  • Elective Caesarean section
  • Medical conditions (endocrine and autoimmune)
  • Pregnancy related conditions (gestational diabetes and preeclampsia)
  • Higher risk pregnancy (IVF pregnancies, preterm birth risk, fetal growth restriction, pregnancy after loss)
  • VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean)
  • Twin/Multiple pregnancy
  • Circumcision


  • Endometriosis & Adenomyosis
  • Pelvic pain
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Uterine fibroids
  • PCOS and ovulatory dysfunction
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding and menstrual disturbance
  • Cervical and vulval dysplasia (Including LLETZ and cone biopsy)
  • Vulval dermatoses (Including lichen sclerosus)
  • Contraception (Including Salpingectomy)


Dr Dunn consults at Women's Health Only, which is on level 2 of the Medici Medical Centre, across the road from St Vincent's Private Hospital.

On-site, undercover parking.

Suite 201 (Level 2)

Medici Medical Centre

15 Scott St, East Toowoomba, QLD 4350

Phone: (07) 4639 5699

Fax: (07) 4639 5688


Dr Dunn provides Private Obstetric & Gynaecology care at St Vincent's Private Hospital, Toowoomba.

15 Scott St, East Toowoomba, QLD 4350

For urgent advice and care, Private Obstetric Patients should call the Birth Suite

(07) 4690 4125


Dr Dunn provides Private Gynaecology day-procedures at Toowoomba Surgicentre.

18 Scott St, East Toowoomba, QLD 4350

Phone: (07) 4659 3100

Fax: (07) 4659 3199


Women's Health Only is associated with City Fertility for advanced fertility treatments.

18 Scott St, East Toowoomba, QLD 4350

Phone: (07) 4659 3100

Fax: (07) 4659 3199



Prizes, Awards and Scholarships

  • RANZCOG Christopher Kohlenberg Memorial Medal (2019)
  • RANZCOG Early Career Researcher Prize (equal second) (2017)
  • University of Queensland Research Stipend (UQ 2015 – 2017)
  • Frank Clair Scholarship (MRI-UQ, 2015 – 2017)
  • Translating Research into Practice (TRIP) Scholarship (MRI-UQ, 2015)
  • Mater Research Institute Travel Award (MRI-UQ, 2016)
  • Dean’s Commendation for High Achievement, UQ School of Medicine (2007, 2008)
  • UQ Medical Society Letter of Service recognition, Prof John Pearn (former UQMS patron) (2008)

Original articles

  • Sherrell H, Dunn L, Horey D, Flenady V and Kumar S. Women’s and clinician’s acceptability of participation in a hypothetical obstetric randomized controlled trial: a qualitative survey. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2021;29:1-7
  • Willis M, Dunn L, Okano S, Janssens S, Kumar S. The impact on obstetric and perinatal outcomes in term infants following the introduction of a colour-coded, hierarchical cardiotocography classification system: A retrospective non-inferiority study. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 2021;62(3):370-375.
  • Wilson E, Dunn L, Beckmann M, Kumar S. Measuring the impact of cardiotocograph decision-support-software on neonatal outcomes: a propensity score-matched observational study. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 2021;61(6):876-881.
  • Turner J, Dunn L, Kumar S. Oral * citrate in labour mitigates the intrapartum decline in placental growth factor in term pregnancies. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020;223(4): 588-590.
  • Turner J*, Dunn L*, Tarnow-Mordi W, Flatley C, Flenady V, Kumar S. Safety and efficacy of * citrate to reduce operative birth for intrapartum fetal compromise at term: A phase 2 randomized controlled trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020;222(5): 401-414. Report of major impact *Joint first authors
  • Dunn L, Sherrell H, Bligh L, Alsolai A, Flatley C, Kumar S. Reference centiles for maternal placental growth factor levels at term from a low-risk population. Placenta 2018;86:15-19.
  • Dunn L, Kumar S. Changes in intrapartum maternal placental growth factor levels in pregnancies complicated by fetal compromise at term. Placenta 2018;74:9-13.
  • Dunn L, Flatley C, Kumar S. Changes in maternal placental growth factor levels during term labour. Placenta 2018;61:11-16.
  • Dunn L, Kumar S, Beckmann M. Maternal age is a risk factor for caesarean section following induction of labour. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol 2017;57:426-431.
  • Dunn L, Prior T, Greer R, Kumar S. Gender specific intrapartum and neonatal outcomes for term babies. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2015;185:19-22.

Systematic reviews

  • Sherrell H, Dunn L, Clifton V, Kumar S. Systematic review of maternal placental growth factor levels in late pregnancy as a predictor of adverse intrapartum and perinatal outcomes. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2018;225:26-34.
  • Dunn L, Sherrell H, Kumar S. Review: Systematic review of the utility of the fetal cerebroplacental ratio measured at term for the prediction of adverse perinatal outcome. Placenta 2017;54:68-75.
  • Dunn L, Greer R, Flenady V, Kumar S. * in pregnancy: A systematic review of maternal tolerance and obstetric and perinatal outcomes. Fetal Diagn Ther 2017;41:81-88.

Study Protocols

  • Dunn L, Flenady V, Kumar S. Reducing the risk of fetal distress with * study (RIDSTRESS): A double-blind randomised control trial. J Transl Med 2016;14:15

Conference abstracts – oral presentations

  • Dunn L, Sherrell H, Bligh L, Alsolai A, Flatley C, Kumar S. Reference centiles for maternal placental growth factor at term. RCOG World Congress, London, 2019.
  • Dunn L, Sherrell H, Bligh L, Alsolai A, Flatley C, Kumar S. Reference centiles for maternal placental growth factor at term. RANZCOG QLD/NSW Regional Scientific Meeting, Gold Coast, 2019. Awarded the Christopher Kohlenberg Memorial Medal.
  • Willis M, Dunn L, Okano S, Janssens S, Kumar S. Green, Blue, Amber, Red – did it change intrapartum and perinatal outcomes? RANZCOG QLD/NSW Regional Scientific Meeting, Gold Coast, 2019.
  • Dunn L, Sherrell H, Bligh L, Alsolai A, Flatley C, Kumar S. Maternal Placental Growth Factor levels decline in late pregnancy. PSANZ Annual Conference, Gold Coast, 2019.
  • Kumar S, Turner J, Dunn L. Intrapartum * Citrate reduces operative intervention for fetal compromise at term – Results of a placebo controlled double blind RCT. RCOG World Congress, London, 2019.
  • Dunn L, Flatley C, Kumar S. Changes in placental growth factor during term labour. RANZCOG Annual Scientific Meeting, Auckland, 2017. Awarded the Early Career Researcher 2nd prize.
  • Dunn L, Flatley C, Kumar S. Placental Growth Factor and intrapartum compromise in term, appropriately grown fetuses. Queensland Perinatal Consortium Conference, Brisbane, 2016.
  • Dunn L, Kumar S, Beckmann M. When being induced, does being older mean you are more likely to have a caesarean? PSANZ Annual Conference, Townsville, 2016.

Conference abstracts – poster presentations

  • Sherrell H, Dunn L, Bligh L, Alsolai A, Flatley C, Kumar S. Maternal placental growth factor measured at term is predictive of adverse intrapartum outcomes. PSANZ Annual Conference, Gold Coast, 2019.
  • Dunn L, Flatley C, Kumar S. Changes in maternal placental growth factor during term labour. RCOG World Congress, Singapore, 2018. Top 500 abstracts.
  • Dunn L, Greer R, Flenady V, Kumar S: * in pregnancy: A systematic review of maternal tolerance and obstetric and perinatal outcomes. RCOG World Congress, Singapore, 2018.
  • Dunn L, Flatley C, Kumar S. Maternal placental growth factor levels between 37 and 42 weeks gestation. RANZCOG Annual Scientific Meeting, Auckland, 2017.
  • Dunn L, Flatley C, Kumar S. Relationship between maternal placental growth factor levels and intrapartum fetal compromise at term. RANZCOG Annual Scientific Meeting, Auckland, 2017.
  • Dunn L, Flatley C, Flenady V, Kumar S. Cerebroumbilical ratio to identify term, appropriately grown fetuses at risk of intrapartum compromise. RANZCOG ASM, Perth, 2016. Mater Research Travel Award.
  • Dunn L, Flenady V, Kumar S. Relationship between Placental Growth Factor and intrapartum fetal compromise at term. RANZCOG ASM, Perth, 2016. Mater Research Travel Award.
  • Dunn L, Greer R, Kumar S. Perinatal outcomes of overweight and obese women who deliver at term. RCOG World Congress, Brisbane, 2015.
  • Dunn L, Greer R, Kumar S. Perinatal outcomes of mothers from developing countries. RCOG World Congress, Brisbane, 2015.
  • Dunn L, Kumar S, Devenish-Meares P. A Case of post-coital haemoperitoneum in a pregnant woman. RCOG World Congress, Brisbane, 2015.

Guideline/Policy Development

  • Provision of routine intrapartum care in the absence of pregnancy complications (RANZCOG Statement Development Panel, working party member, 2022-current)
  • Ovulation induction (Mater Mothers’ Hospital, 2019)
  • Management of term pre-labour rupture of membranes (Mater Mothers’ Hospital, 2018)
  • Routine antenatal care (Mater Mothers’ Hospital, 2014)